Friday, June 8, 2018

Bid On Your Spouse

D&C 64:33 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
I love this scripture because being weary in a relationship is something that can really get you down. Especially if you are struggling doing the little things. .  Like bidding on your husband!
I loved reading this chapter because I related this concept on bidding to an auction. Most of the time at auctions, you bid on your most favorite item! You bid, you bid, and you bid again until you "Win It"! So why not bid on your husband all the time.
Bidding means an action or something done to get your spouses attention in a positive way, to get positive reactions. Some examples from my spouse is when he tickles me when I am doing the dishes, or he will wink at me when we are riding horses. We connect and get closer this way when we do turn towards one another and bid on each other until we win!
This week in class we read a story that I really enjoyed because I could relate to it. Before I spoil it. . . here it is for you to read!
Fishing in Alaska, Martha Arnell
            One important aspect of a marriage is to show interest in your spouse's interests. Through the years I've tried to be a cheerleader when my husband brought home game after hunting, fishing etc. My father wasn't a hunter or fisherman, so this was a change for me. We have a set of mounted deer and moose antlers on our wall in our family room. Also, since my husband has been into running and especially marathon running, I've tried to be his greatest supporter and cheerleader. We now have 19 marathon medals hanging on the deer antlers in our family room.
    My husband has always desired to travel to Alaska to go fishing in a back-country river-trip. His opportunity came the summer of 2009. Of course, I was also invited. Traveling down a river in a raft all day and camping in tents in the wilds each night along the side of the river was not my greatest desire (I enjoy camping in my fifth wheel!). Anyway, I committed to my husband that I would go on the trip, support him, and not complain. The first day on our week-long river-trip, some no-see-um bugs and some horsefly type bugs bit my ears and face. When I awoke in the tent the next morning I felt strange with large swollen ears and eyes. I luckily had brought some over-the-counter allergy medicine, which helped somewhat with the swelling. But the greatest help was the blessing I asked for from my husband that morning outside our tent. He enjoyed his trip greatly, a life-time experience. I didn't complain and survived my bitten face, which took another month to look normal.
            --Martha Arnell
This story hit home for me because my husband and I are going to Alaska in 2 weeks! We will be camping by rivers throughout our trip and we will be fishing . . but hopefully not getting bit by big bugs! Yikes. I learned a lot from this story because she really did turn to her husband and thought of him before herself. I was impressed with this and hope to mimic her on my trip. 
Turning and bidding on your spouse is really important in relationships. You don't want to miss out on opportunities to build each other up and also your relationships. 
Bid on your spouse and win him/her over! Don't be weary in this small well doing, it is well worth the while and great relationship.

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