Saturday, November 11, 2017

Stress. Is. Good.

Ya know, I feel like some of the time I am a pretty stressful person. I have a lot going on in my life, and usually at some of the most inconvenient times. But imagine your life without stress!

   Take just a second and picture yourself never having to rush your kids to school, never having 100 errands to run in 1 hour, never having to make meals, cook dinner, or doing laundry ever again! You would become like an astronaut that has been in space for too long. The number one health threat for an astronaut is to actually not have the stress of gravity readily available to them. Their muscles start deteriorating, and they are not as strong as they used to be. We would become just this!

     Without stress, we wouldn't become strong individuals with opportunities presented in front of us.
Did you know that we control our stress reactions? Also, our body hears everything our mind says?! This was actually the most fascinating thing that I learned this week. Stress actually becomes 10x harder for us when we express "Oh, this is going to be just terrible!" If we were to react in such a way that our bodies realize that what we are going through isn't so bad, we learn that stress is okay and that we can make it through. We become positive to stress, and the outcomes of stress help us with the things that are going to happen in our future.

Now this class was focused on family stress not so much individual stress so I want to focus on some things for the family, specifically mine.

     We have been living in a basement this semester here in Rexburg. We thought we were leaving this winter semester for somewhere else and we didn't get too cozy in our basement nook. Well, lately I have learned that plans are not plans, sometimes they are only ideas, haha. Long story short, we are not going to Florida. Jedd has expressed how he wants to more feel like he is coming home, this next semester. It is definitely a little bit stressful going to school full time and being a wife. . . but oh my goodness it is making me such a better person. That's a story for another time but here is what I want to get to.

     This weekend Jedd went hunting! His dad and brother put in for a hunt and were all able to go. I was super excited for him and I am still crossing my fingers that he gets something ;) . . . I stayed home to work on school and catch up on laundry at the laundry mat. I decided since my list consisted of more then just those things I would write a list and name it good, better, and best so I felt like I wasn't going to be as stressed out. I saw all of these things that I was doing for myself, and sometimes Jedd and I like laundry. . . But I decided to write on there "Make Our House A HOME!" And what is better then doing something for someone else? So I decided I would quick get my homework done really quick, and get started.

-study room
-clean out closet
-tupper wares
-a little decoration
-yummy 'home' smells
- cleaning
(only a few on the list. . . I know I know, you moms out there beat mine, lol)

Not to say the least, I could have gotten a lot of other things done but I decided I would do something for my husband and make him feel at home. I did have other things to get done but somehow my stress disappeared and I knew everything was going to be alright. I mean, I got my homework done. . . right? Plus I added in some things that I love to do. I did a few crafts with meal prep and vacuuming!
     Stress is a good things in our lives if we take it and see it as an opportunity to grow and become better. We should start telling ourselves that "We can do it", and "It's really all going to be okay." I mean, the man upstairs is in charge anyways.

P.S. Jedd comes home tomorrow and I am super excited for him to come home! . . .
P.P.S. I'll show you some things that I made this weekend. . .  I love using my hands!


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