Saturday, May 5, 2018


Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a nurse and travel the world and be a piolot and an astronaut and also be a princess. . . Oh Oh no I want to be a rodeo queen and also be a mom and have eight kids! I want to marry a prince and then . . . Get a divorce!! I know that when I was younger I wanted to be a lot of things, but I knew getting a divorce was not one of them!

 My parents are divorced and I knew everything that comes along with getting a divorce. It was said well by Holland, “Some of the best people get a divorce” I told my spouse that when we get married he is eternally stuck with me! I definitely married a good one though. He is a keeper!

Divorce is not a bad thing, and sometimes it is necessary! But with the gospel a lot of things are possible. It is not impossible to make a bad marriage work and improve on it! Never give up, always keep trying. When I first got married I think one of the best pieces of advice is to not sweat the small stuff and to be selfless. Marriage is probably one of the most selfless things and I am coming to know this the longer I am married.

There was a video that I wanted to share with you about divorce that I think would really shed some light on  it and make it a good thing I think. Being LDS, sometimes I feel that they don’t accept divorces as well but I think its just the fact that in reality they don’t want anyone to give up. There are certain circumstances that allow divorce and make it a needful thing and I think this video does a great job explaining some of those situations. It is by Elder Oaks!

Most girls don’t grow up saying that they want to get a divorce, but sometimes that is what your life calls for. I am so grateful for my devoted husband who lives in his marriage selflessly, and is always thinking of me and our marriage.

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