Wednesday, July 11, 2018

We Are Equal

"Healthy marriages consist of an equal partnership between a husband and a wife. Many marital problems have as their root cause an unequal relationship or struggles over who has control in the relationship. Research makes it very clear that issues about power is predictive of marital problems, including violence. Research also demonstrates that unequal power relationships in marriage are predictive of depression. Thus, research consistently finds that happy relationships are most likely to occur in marriages where the couple shares power and has a true partnership. These research findings are consistent with doctrines found in the gospel."
Have you ever heard of one of the spouses wearing pants in the relationship? Sometimes I find it funny when there are jokes in the air about who rules the roost. . but reading this put it into perspective for me.
As a couple there is no ruler of the relationship! Each person in the relationship is equally as important, and they share the power to decide as a couple. As I watch my sisters parents in law, I feel saddened by the way the wife treats her husband and family. Everything she says goes, everything she wants goes, nothing that the husband has to say matters because it is not what she wants! 
I have a testimony that this is not true and that woman were made to be next to the man side by side as equal partners.
Marrying into a family where there are traditional values has helped me really see how men and woman work together. Growing up in my household I saw some duties being shared between my mom and dad. It worked, but it also didn't show me how the proclamation really worked in family. Jedd's parents are great at following their roles as a wife, spouse, father, dad, and grandparent. I like how Jedd will allow me to stay home and not work, and how he treats me with respect in regards to decisions about our business and also family. 
I am grateful to be apart of this Gospel that guides and directs families and especially relationships to be the best that they can be.

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